February 26, 2002

Website: I uh, added a hit counter. Going for a hundred baby.

Comic: Okay people, I guess the majority of the world is still illiterate. Serously, you wouldn't believe the amount of people who can't read a three frame comic correctly. One person in particular sparked this comic, can you guess who? You'll also notice that the radiohead t-shirt I wore in a few of the old comics has made a comeback, mostly because I actually went and bought one from the UK based W.A.S.T.E.. God save Thom, eh?

-dwight "where'd you park the car?" chesbro

February 19, 2002

Website: The XTRA section is open, the store is still closed. The store remains closed because I'm too lazy to get on top of redoing merchandise. I'll hurry though because everything was on such high demand. Please note the <sarc> tags around high. Thank you.

The xtra section opens with some cool new link buttons and two reviews by our own Casey. I asked him if he had anything to say about his first entry into the LC xtra database and he had the following to say: "...just say it's from beanie man or something...." I would never miss an opportunity to make fun of anyone around me so here we go. Casey would like all of you to know that when he's not curled up in a fetal position or pretending he has some real friends that he devotes all of his time trying to get the restraining order enacted upon him by the model who plays Lara Croft lowered to a quarter of a mile. He's also very dumb. Ahh, that's much better.

Comic: I finally broke down and saw that movie about the ring dealy. I'm happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised especially since my attitude towards the series before hand was less than fanatic. I thought Tolkien was an overrated weenie. Maybe it's because I only read his books when I was forced to, maybe its because most of his fans are over dramatic fan boys who only talk about elves than they do about themselves. Who knows? Whatever the case I am now looking forward to the next movie, but I still wont devote the time it takes to read the book. So there...

-dwight "one more chance to call Casey dumb today" chesbro

February 14, 2002

Website: I have two reviews in my inbox by Casey. They are ready to be published. They are spell checked, they are formatted, and they are quite informative. But why are they not here? Because I'm lazy thats why, really lazy. Look for a special weekend update when the xtra section and the store will open and re-open. I also plan to have a contest. Mmm, I can taste it already.

Comic: I am currently in the middle of film production at school and its both great and shit at the same time. It's great because I can be creative and all that good stuff. It os shit because my instructors (no names will be named, you know who you are) demand perfection. I'm sure its a good thing in the long run but when you can't get a pan or tilt right you get mad pretty fast. The comic isn't based on an actual event but all my fan seems to think it's funny when the whole thing deteriorates into nothing but insults and violence.

-dwight "no ripcord" chesbro